Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Block of the Month at Frank's Sewing Center

We are so excited about this new Block of the Month Quilt - Stitcher's Garden at Frank's Sewing Center!
This beautiful quilt is designed to teach you a new sewing technique each month, and how to use the associated machine accessory foot for that technique.    It is the perfect way to explore a variety of creative techniques you can create on your sewing machine.  The accessory feet we will be exploring include Open Toe Foot; Edge Foot; Circular attachment; Couching & Button foot; Free motion foot; Twin needle & cording; Pintuck; Piping; Fringe foot; Bobbin work - -and some extra blocks with machine embroidery!! 

Each month, on the second Tuesday at 1 or the second Friday at 6, we will share these techniques in a lecture/demo format -- and students will receive their kit for that month's block.   We will have three sit and sew days during the year where you can come and work on your blocks.  They will be after the BOM meeting in March, and two other dates to be named later.   

There is a onetime registration fee of $15. You may choose to use my fabric or your own fabric.  If you use your fabric it will be $7 a month for the patterns and instructions. If you choose to use my fabrics which are fall colored, you will be responsible for the background fabrics, batting, fusible web and outside border fabrics.  My monthly kits will include your block appliqué fabric, pattern & instructions!   You may choose to pay for the entire class prior to the first session ($180). Otherwise, you can break the payments into 3 payments of $65 through the year.  ($65 in January, $65 in May, & $65 in September). 

This class is open to all makes and models of sewing machines. It is open to all ability levels.  There is something for everyone to learn in this Block of the Month.  A machine with decorative stitches is helpful but not necessary. 

Sign up NOW to be sure you don't miss out on this new, fun & informative class!!   The new Block of the month will start in January.  People can sign up at the store or with Wendy.  wrieves@aol.com 



Phone: __________________________________

Wendy's fabric or yours? __________________________
Attending Second Tuesday at 1 or Friday at 6:00?  (Circle one)
Payment:  Sign up fee of $15 and $180 to pay in full. Or $65 Every 4 months
Please include $15 sign up fee with this form and drop off at the store or give to Wendy